Question of Custody


New Member
My wife and I are solid, but listening to a lot of people these days, it seems like the woman is still the most likely to get custody of the children. I know things have changed quite a bit but is it really any different?


New Member
It has changed somewhat but you are correct in saying the woman gets custody of the child more. Honestly, if they can work it out, I think they need to split custody with the child living with one parent at one time and living with the other parent the rest. That would only work if the parents were in the same general vicinity so they don't have to move the child from school to school.


Staff member
Unless something is "wrong" (for lack of a better word I cannot think of) with the mother, as in drugs - jail or does not want custody, custody tends to go to them. I've seen and know males who have won custody, but as mentioned, it was due to problems with the mother, or her consent.


New Member
Yeah, I don't see it changing any at all. Every time I see any of our friends break up, the mother always has gotten custody of the kids. I don't think it's the bad thing to do but I'm sure if my wife and I split, I would think differently.


New Member
Overall kids stay with mom. We have fairly joint custody. My son is with me almost half of the time. The arrangement works for all of us.


New Member
I know some dads that have custody of their kids. The moms wanted it that way - surprised the heck out of me. I think the judge usually gives custody to the parent that is "more fit". It is the mom a lot of the times.