Are the unions in trouble?


New Member
With some states trying to limit the bargaining rights of unions, are the unions going to be able to really protect the workers? Do you think this could actually lead to striking and other type of backlash?


Staff member
No offense, but the Union I worked for did not really look out for its employee's. This was a big Union (think Jimmy Hoffa). But unless the action benefited the union, they did not care if it hurt the member. Often times the Union "leaders" in our building would not listen to us, or go behind our backs and do what they felt best, not listening to the workers. I saw a lot of double standards between full time and part time union members. Sadly talking to other members from other centers, they had similar experiences. Not only that, if I was to get myself removed from the Union, they would still take the money out of my paycheck, and the pay the higher up Union mangers/ceo's get rivals that of large companies.

Needless to say, my union experience has left me sour on them.


New Member
The labor unions have weakened in recent years, it's true. Without unions, however, labor has NO voice, and NO push-back against corporate abuses. I think unions have their place.