Excited weather reporters.


New Member
Whenever the weatherman/meteorologist gets excited, I know we're in for it. I know, it's their field, and when crazy stuff is happening, they are all into it. But, that doesn't mean I have to like it right? Does your local weather person get excited when crazy weather is about to get your area?


New Member
They do get a little bit excited. Especially when a big storm of some type is on it's way. Not a hit or a miss type storm, but one that we know we are going to get hit with. For instance, last year when we were buried under 2 feet of snow in one night. That was big news around here!


New Member
Yes, I noticed that too. It's crazy silly! Half the time the weathermen are not right and they get us scared for no reason. Other times they get excited and they start getting all giddy.


New Member
Right? The other day our weatherman was all excited saying something like, all we need is 4 tenths of an inch of snow to make the record for the snowiest February since 1896. Yea, dude, I know I've been shoveling all that ... all month, woo-hoo!