New cell phone, or not...


New Member
My brother is constantly looking for the newest and most complicated cell phone available and upgrades his as soon as he can. Me, I prefer less complicated and literally kept my last phone until it fell apart.

Do you look to upgrade your phone as soon as you can, or do you try to keep a model you like until it, well, falls apart? What are the options on your phone that you can't go without?


New Member
I usually hang onto mine for as long as I can. But, I have to say, I'm looking forward to trading in the phone I have now. I don't like the touchscreen on it and the ringer is too quiet. So, when my contract is up and they offer me a deal, I'm taking it.


New Member
I am not so keen or upgrading my cell phone to the latest cell phone available. I think my current cell phone already has tons of features, most of which I don't use that much.


New Member
I am not the type of person who does everything on the cell phone, so I wouldn't need most of those latest features either. I don't usually upgrade my cell phone till I have to. :D


New Member
Same here, Mick. I use my cell phone only to talk. No pictures, no internet, no GPS. I have a no frills, no contact, pay as you use phone from Net 10.