Nice move...not....


New Member
Ok, so I'm heading to my car for work this morning. I'm not in a hurry, got some things going through my mind about stuff I want to get done today, when...what the...I miss the last step and go crashing into the sidewalk.

I got some scrapes and bruises, and a fat lip, but nothing major. When was the last time you had a funniest video moment?


New Member
I was walking down my hallway about a month ago. The hall light wasn't on but, of course, I knew the way down my own hall. All of a sudden...bang...I hit a plastic "milk carton" type container that I'd forgot about being there. Cut my shin and fell down!


New Member
I overslept one morning and barely had time to get ready for work to be there on time. When I got out of bed a lot faster than usual, I tripped. Failing to catch myself, I hit the floor face first. I didn't have to be concerned about getting to work because my nose was bleeding. I called in and went to the doctor. My rose was broken and I looked like a raccoon for a week.