Nostradamus and other predicitions.


New Member
I saw a special on Nostradamus and they were talking about some of his predicitons and it's pretty interesting. Do you believe that he was able to forsee some of the events looming in the future? What do you think about the predicitons for 2012?


Staff member
2012 has been hyped up like New Years Eve 1999. They did say it is the start of a new, well I cannot thing of the right word - but will say, world. It does not necessary mean the death of it how we know it.


New Member
I believe just in one prediction and that is the one from the Bible - second coming of the Christ. So, I do believe that there is reason to panic, especially for unbelievers.


New Member
I believe in the second coming of Christ and in the prophecies in the Bible, too. It appears to me like we have a lot of cause for concern and even panic. As for Nostradamus, I think he could very well have been right about some things, but I just don't see 2012 being the year that prophecies in the Bible are fulfilled and Jesus returns. I think we have a little longer than that and times are going to get really rough between now and then.


New Member
I've seen programs about Nostradamus and I thought they were pretty interesting. I don't think he predicted the end of the world until after like the year 3000 xomething though. As far as his predicitons go, I think people can read into what he's written to make it fit into things that have happened.


New Member
I predict end of my budget until then if I don't find a better job. :) Jokes aside but I don't think there is any big truth behind Nostradamus predictions.