Separate Rooms


New Member
My twin daughters (9 years old) have decided they each was their own bedroom. They share one now. I still say they can wait until they are 12 years old for that. It would mean converting our den into the other bedroom for one of them at this point. Am I being unreasonable ?


New Member
I would say if you have the space and it what's the girls want that's enough of a reason to do it. I think girls like having their own space, and the last thing you will want to deal with is the turf wars that can start if they don't want to share a room.


New Member
I would say it has a whole lot to do with how well they are getting along with each other but I would probably start making plans regardless.


New Member
I don't see anything wrong with keeping them together for now. It can work. The only time I would separate them is if they don't get along or keep each other up at night etc.