Teenager and drugs


New Member
I have strong suspicions (moods, behavior, etc.) that my 12 yeard old son is into some kind of drugs. I know a couple of his friends drink alcohol and smoke weed (yes, at 12 and 13 !). Any suggestons on how I should approach this issue with him ?


New Member
Luckily I have never had to deal with the issue myself, but best bet would be to be sure and go from there. The problem is when separating him from a bad crowd forcibly will make him want to be with them even more. Try enrolling in some programs together to keep him busy in the afternoons.


New Member
Confront him about it. Ask if he would be willing to have testing done. You should be able to talk to him intelligently about the effects of drugs and how they change your life. He is going to be dealing with a lot at his age and this is one of the things that can lead him down a disastrous path.


New Member
Oh my. I haven't had to deal with that myself yet, Thank God! My little one is only three so she is a long way away from that stage. I do plan on starting to talk with her when she is around 9 or 10. The best way to stop it is prevention but I agree on the confrontation with him.


New Member
I haven't had to deal with this one YET, but you can do it. I would sit them down and talk with them, let them know that you're worried and tell them that they can talk to you. If they admit to it, tell them that they can't do that. Go from there.