

New Member
Has anyone seen this movie? I really wanted to see it before it came out, but different friends have given me mixed reviews. What is your opinion? Should I want for it to come to DVD or is it worth the price of admisision?


New Member
I have friends who said that it was terrific. I loved the original and I like Jeff Bridges so I would go and see it myself but I'm not sure whether my 9 year old would enjoy it.


New Member
Right now, my teen nephew and niece are the only ones I know who have seen it. My nephew loved it and recommended it. My niece said it was ok, but there were plots lines that led to nowhere which she didn't like. So, I'm thinking it's worth the price of admission, if anything, for the visuals on the big screen.


Staff member
I've heard good things about it. But most likely I will not see it until it hits DVD.


New Member
What does the movie tell about? I saw the posters of the movie in some places and it looks like a movie of a genre I don't get into.