Five Love Languages: An Emotional Map for Fathers


New Member
I'm not connected in any way with Gary Chapman. I'm just a simple reader of his book, and I cannot help but share with you how happy I am for reading this book.

The way they picked the color of book did not appeal to me. It was only after opening it and reading it when I discovered the wealth of information inside it that can help men --- yeah most of all, men --- in mapping out the unfamiliar territory of relationships.

Using the principles taught in this book has really warmed up my relationship with my wife in ways hard to describe. The original "magic" is here, after eight years of marriage, after having two kids, and after going through a lot of upheavals in our businesses, finances, etc.


New Member
My wife and I were given that book as "required" reading by the minister who did our wedding almost 12 years ago. And it has to be one of the best books I have read on relationships. It really helps to know what love language others speak so you can fill their emotional tank.

My wife recently suggested getting the kids version of the book as a way to help with understanding our kids better. It will be interesting to see how it reads.

Mobile post from Droid land via Tapatalk


New Member
At first I was apprehensive at best about reading a relationship book. My wife had me take the test at the back to start with and then she read up on it. Our relationship has grown so much since then. I did read the whole book and it is a book I have recommend to all my friends that have issues.


New Member
I'm glad to see other fathers who have read and benefited a lot from that book. After overcoming my initial resistance to that book, I now believe it's a required reading for everyone --- man and woman --- who are in relationships. I too am sharing that book with friends who have significant others. Since it's easy to find that book and the reviews about it in Google, sometimes I just tell them to search for it :)


New Member
I have no idea what any of you are talking about but I just might need to check it out and see what its all about. I kind of feel a little lost trying to check it all out, maybe a trip to the Bstore is what I need afterall.


New Member
Hi syboken, at this time a few taps in the computer would help. Here's a link that leads you directly to the five love languages:
The 5 Love Languages

That site has an assessment page that can help you identify your own love language. Check it out and share with us your impression.