Movie of the week!


New Member
My children seem to watch movies over and over for about a week then change. This week is the Alvin and the Chipmunks Squekual. Do your children do this too?


New Member
My kids do this all the time until your ears bleed if you pay too much attention. When Avatar became popular, my son watched it every afternoon after schooling for around two weeks straight. He did the same for Iron Man II for around a week.

We let him do it. But we preselect the videos he watches, just to make sure he doesn't imitate something out of bounds. But whatever he watches, parental guidance is always necessary. I mean, always. He talks about the movies before sleeping and I make sure I listen just to make sure I see what he's thinking. Then as a father, I would guide him.


New Member
Yes my children have done this also! Don't even get me started on Monster's INC, CARS, and Madagascar! They love those movies and will watch them twice in a row if I would have let them!


New Member
When my daughter was about 2 or 3, she would want to watch Toy Story over and over and over again. It got to the point where we would have to sneak something else in when she wasn't looking, because we go kind of tired of hearing it.


New Member
The two movies that really got me were Willy Wonka(the original) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(with John Depp). My youngest son loved these movies and would watch them over and over until he basically knew all the words. It went on for much longer than a week.


New Member
No thank goodness. We did watch that movie though and it was pretty cute. Thankfully the kids don't watch the same movie over and over, I'd go crazy. They might pull it out every month or so and re-watch it.