School Bus


New Member
My kid is already being harassed on the school bus by a bully. I want him to learn how to deal with situations, but I don't want him hurt. When do I take it to the school?


New Member
Tear gas is the only "ultimate" weapon I can recommend at this point. Is your kid a son? or a daughter? Other things that can be done is to actually measure the bully. When I was a kid that's what I did :) I don't recommend it, but at least prepare your kid for it.


New Member
I hate bullies and I would fight them when they harassed me. I think fighting the bullies is the best way to tell them not to mess with me.


New Member
My wife and I drive our kids to school every day because there was so much bullying going on. They have not rode the bus this year but they do want to. We are going to let them later in the week and see what happens.


New Member
Put some kind of mini recorder on him. audio, visual, anything. This will eliminate any doubt in anybody's mind of something that happened, when you proof that it happened.


New Member
My son went through this too. He stood up for himself and told the kid to cut it out. Once the bully knew it didn't bother him anymore, he moved on.

I'm pretty sure if your child used tear gas he would be arrested or suspended.


New Member
Hi Paul40! I'm referring to tear gas in small canisters. They can be carried like key chains. I suggested that as a last self-defense option. It can even be used against street criminals as well. But yeah, I realize it's prohibited in some states. So, we got to think of alternatives.


New Member
Whenever I think of tear gas, I think of SWAT teams breaking down your doors and filling your house with it. I had no idea they sold it in tiny canisters like that. But you're right though, you should think of other alternatives first.