Already talking about what they want for Christmas


New Member
The kids are already talking about what they want for Christmas and it's not even Halloween yet! Has it come up as a topic of discussion in your house yet?


New Member
Ain't that the way with kids! Mine are still out of the country so I haven't had this topic come up directly. I have been planning some though, as they are still at the age where they like actual presents over cash.


New Member
Yeah, that is the way kids are. They are always impatient in waiting for holidays (as if adults were not LOL). We haven't discussed about it yet, but I am sure the kids will start the topic soon.


New Member
I don't know about you, but I was telling my husband what I wanted for the holidays six months ago. :)

Kids will be kids sometimes and they can not help it. All around they see advertisements for new toys coming out, could you help it when you were a kid?


New Member
This is something I'm not looking forward to hearing again. The good thing is I'll have more money the second time around than I did the first the bad thing is that I'll have to be careful not to buy too much and offend my older kids.


Staff member
The wife's family had names picked last month for the gift exchange. My family will be doing it on the 13th of November. Lists of what you want will be required then. The wifes side is done online so you can add to it whenever you want. I think is the site they use.