

New Member
I feel utter amazement when I look into my newborns eyes and see the wonder and curiosity in them. I never thought having a child would be such a overwhelming experience. Does the feeling start to fade as the child gets older? I love being a dad and hope I always remember these first days.


New Member
No, I have three kids ages 6, 8, 12 and the feeling of amazement - at least for me - has never gone away. It just changes some as they grow older and experience new things in life.


New Member
Mine are 8 and 5 and I still get that feeling. And yeah, it is a little different as they grow, but the root is still the same.


New Member
The feeling of amazement never goes away. It just changes into something more, like: "Did these little demons (angels) really come from me?" It's really amazing!