Beginning to read...


New Member
My five year old is officially learning to read. The problem we are having is that he memorizes the books so quickly. Does anyone have any suggestions so that we can get around this and make sure he is actually figuring this out?


New Member
Memorizing Books

I'm kind of not seeing the problem here. My 12 year old used to do the same thing when she was 5 and 6 years old. We just kept giving her more books to read and memorize. LOL. It shows your child is very smart which is a good thing !


New Member
Yeah, memorization is a huge part in learning to read. For example my 3rd graders (I have two) have 30 spelling words a week to memorize. What I would do is make the child read the book to me the first time. This way you know that the child is learning the words and not memorizing what say. As long as they are memorizing the words it is cool.


New Member
There is a big difference between memorizing and reading. Sure, he may seem to be reading but he may not really be. I would use flashcards to teach him more words, and maybe get some new books


New Member
Make him read out loud to you the first time he is reading and always give him something knew, this way you keep him focused and from doing the task like a robot. Also may I suggest you start teaching him a second language at this age, he'll learn it much easier than later in life.


New Member
There is a big difference between memorizing and reading. Sure, he may seem to be reading but he may not really be. I would use flashcards to teach him more words, and maybe get some new books
I like the flashcard idea. I know he's smart, but I do think he's likes to find the easy way. Maybe he'll see flashcards as more of a game.

Also may I suggest you start teaching him a second language at this age, he'll learn it much easier than later in life.
That would be great if anyone in my family really spoke another language. My sister knows a little Spanish, but that's about it. They do incorporate some Spanish in his school as well.