College kids and spring break.


New Member
This is the first year that I have to deal with this as my daughter, who is in college, is talking about her and her girlfriends doing something for spring break. She is 19 and has been working while in school, so she can pay for her own trip, so I really have no power to say no. But, how do I convey my concerns for her safety without her tuning me out all together?


New Member
I don't have to worry about this for a while, but my sister is going through this with her oldest daughter now. You are right, you can't stop her. But, you can tell her of your concerns and give her some guidance, maybe even ask her to check in with you a couple times a day...or at least once a day....


New Member
Well you just have to trust that she will make the right choices and be safe. Tell her that you are concerned about her and have a chat. I doubt she will turn on you, unless you tell her something like - I'm your dad and I won't pay for anymore of your college education if you go - don't try that one.


New Member
You always know when its spring break in our area, they almost flock in like there is a storm coming. A storm of loud and rowdy kids. I never mind it too much unless they get to be jerks about it. Everyone deserves a break of sorts, but have a little respect to the place you visit too.