Ears Pierced


New Member
My eight-year old daughter wants to get her ears pierced. She says all her friends have had it done. I think this is too young an age. What do you think ?

Papa Bear

New Member
I think it is the right age for her. We had our daughter pierced at the age of seven. Some have their daughters ears pierced during infancy.


New Member
I don't think it's too young. I mean, so many kids these days get their ears done, even when they are infants. I don't see anything wrong with it.


New Member
Sounds perfectly fine to me. My kids have always gotten their piercings at a very young age. I think even for babies, it's fine.


Staff member
My wife had our daughters done very early. It was around a year or so. They say that it is better then as a toddler as they play with them less. Ears I have no problems with, it is the other things I dread.


New Member
Pierced Ears

I don't think eight years old is too young at all. Both my daughters has their ears pierced at three years of age with no problems. Sorry, I think you should let her have it done.


New Member
Pierced Ears

Well, I've lost this battle. Thanks for your replies. It was unanimous. Eight years old is old enough. So she goes with her Mom this Saturday to get her ears pierced. She asked me to thank you all !