Feeling a bit lost


New Member
I was meant to have the kids this weekend but they got a last minute invite to a party near their mother's place and are staying over there. So now I have this unexpected free time and no plans.

Perhaps this is a hint that I need to resurrect my social life?


Staff member
It depends on how you look at it. I see it as a dedicated father. Others may see it as you need a different type of social life. I say, get a hobby you can pick up for last minute changes.


New Member
Hobbies are great and I already have enough to spare, would you like some free ones? :)

Really though I know some dads out there who wait years to get back into the social thing only to make sure no one is going to look at them wrong over it.


New Member
Only you can decide if you are ready to jump back into a social scene. What about adult friends? Do you have any buddies that you call on a last minute basis to go and hang out with?


New Member
Yes a hobby would be great here. Of course you would feel lost - that is a great dad. You were planning on having the kids and now you don't. It's not like you made plans because they were supposed to be there with you. I hope you get them next weekend now.


New Member
Thanks for the comments guys. I did indeed get them the next weekend and we had a good time catching up on being a mini family. I never mind the time they take but I do think it's a good idea to get some as and when interest outside of my home life. I have some friends who play cards for fun. They invited me to join a long while ago, so I may follow that up.


New Member
I'm glad to hear that you finally got to spend some quality time with your children.

I wouldn't worry too much about the social life. It's not your fault that your plans got canceled by unanticipated events. Most people don't have back-up plans for spending weekends, especially when they're expecting their kids to visit.