

New Member
We are men we like stuff that sound technical and complicated and to the average person look like they totally useless. However when I look at something too expensive my wife gives me a look that says "If you buy that, you will be stuck playing with that for quite some time".
So how about you, how does your spouse react to something you are eye balling?


New Member
lol... that is cute. I don't eye too many expensive gadgets. I do eye expensive vehicles and ATV's. She usually tells me to look the other way, no payments!


New Member
How She Responds

My wife reacts the exact same way when I want to buy a technical gadget that I'm interested in. Yet, she sees nothing wrong at all with spending $80 every two weeks to get her hair and nails done !


Staff member
My wife frowns whenever I look at new fishing poles. While I do get gadgets, it is not very often.