Helping Out Others


New Member
Since my kids were born, my wife and I have made it a practice to volunteer time to local charities. I help out one day a week at the local food bank and she helps out at the homeless shelter. I felt we needed to do this to show the kids you need to give back. Now they are starting to get into their teens, they are talking about volunteering. I'm very proud of them.


New Member
That's amazing! I wish our family had the time to do something like this. We just have so much going on. How do you fit something like this into a busy life?


New Member
That's great. We have done some clean up projects, and some things through our church on a volunteeer basis. I think it's important to show the kids that there is a much larger world around them.


New Member
If there were more people like you in the world there would be more support which many of these places currently need. I know someone that runs an animal care shelter and just dealing with stray pets (and not people) she is maxed to the limit. I have no idea how places do this with the small help they do receive.