I don't want to push her


New Member
My wife has been offered a promotion but she is concerned that the additional time and effort involved for her would put an unfair load on me. I told her not to worry about that. I don't want to push her though. What do you think?


New Member
She may need pushing a little, to be sure you are not just making the right noises. I like to get things down on paper, so why not make a note together of how things would change? This alone would show her you are serious in your support.


New Member
She is looking for reassurance and as long as you are sure you're up to the challenge, you need to give it to her. But, be honest and realistic with yourself, that the changes are going to be doable for you. You don't want to end up resenting her for the extra time she might be out of the house.


New Member
It's good for her, and it maybe something she has dreamed of for long. I think she needs your support to take the challenge. Honestly, are you OK with that?