If you could chose the gender.


New Member
Would you? Reading about the fact that most family's will abort their child if it's not a boy, got me thinking would you chose the gender if it were possible before conception? I myself don't care about the gender as long as they are healthy.


New Member
I have a girl and a boy myself and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything in the world, I honestly wouldn't want to chose because you never know what you will be blessed with and that's just the way it is.


New Member

No, I wouldn't choose the gender. With my three children (I have 2 girls and a boy) I never cared about the gender. I was just happy to help them and pleased that all three were healthy.


New Member
Where do most families abort their babies if they are not boys? China maybe... and I don't even know if that is true.

Of course I would not pick, you get what you get. You are just lucky to have a healthy baby!


New Member
I read that there is a way to choose the gender of the baby. It depends on the time of coitus. But that's a Chinese Calendar of course.


New Member
Yup, it's china forgot to add that into there, as far as time affecting the gender, that's rubbish. To the best of my knowledge there is no way to influence the gender.