LMFAO: I'm Sexy And I Know It


New Member
My eight year old is really into this song and video by the group LM*AO now after seeing it on Youtube. I'm not sure if it's not appropriate for his age to watch/listen to that kind of song. I think the song is quite hilarious and not at all offensive compared to some of the other stuff that's on air. Part of me doesn't mind him watching it, the other part is concerned.
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New Member
We lock down our computers with passwords for this very reason, right now the only thing that our kids have access to are the things we allow them to. Some parents are too trusting with the internet.


New Member
There are a lot of songs that go completely over kids' heads until they see the video. There are a lot of videos that I think have nothing to do with the song and are all gratioutus sex/violence. You just have to decide where to draw the line.

And my parents thought Elvis was bad!


New Member
I'm sure your 8 year old does not have a clue what it is about (I hope). I know my kids love the song too. I can remember when that lollypop song came out - lick you like a lollypop or something like that. That was catchy but not good either!

the matrix

New Member
My son (nine years old) also loves LM*AO especially the song "Party Rock Anthem." He learned it at a summer fun program. But because the name of the band is considered offensive to some, the group leaders called the band Men In Black. My son then asked me what LM*AO was and I said it was a technical term that he probably wouldn't understand. :)