Money doesn't buy happiness?


New Member
Is it really true or is it just a statement of people who envy people with a lot of it? Now, I know happiness comes from within, but certainly being broke and having bill collectors hounding you never made anyone jump for joy. Money isn't the most important thing, but it can lead to a lot of freedoms and things to make daily struggles easier. I'd like to be wealthy, but if I don't make it, I'll still be fine. It does give people something to shoot for. Heck, even 50k a year in my own business working for me alone would be great as long as I didn't have a boss to answer to. It doesn't even have to be millions to get a feeling of wealth and freedom.


New Member
I think that's true. Having a lot of money doesn't guarantee your happiness. But our life will be much easier if have enough money to spend on things we need.


New Member
I think it depends on when you got it. If you always had it then you don't appreciate it and you're probably unhappier than someone who went without and then got some.

James B

New Member
It's definitely true in my case.. I'd be one sorry soul if money was supposed to buy happiness. I'm broke! :)

Not in spirit, though.. my family is healthy and we're doing alright. What more can you want in life, really? Sure money would help us with some of our struggles, but I can't complain. Only can be thankful for what I have.


New Member
$50,000 a year would be like winning the lottery for us. Sure we struggle sometimes to pay bills, but we are safe and our family is healthy and happy so that's good enough for me. Ps. I don't know ANY happy rich people.


New Member
We do ok, a little more money wouldn't hurt, but for the most part we rarely have money issues. That being said I think if I had to chose between the problems of a poor or a rich man I'd chose the latter.


Staff member
It really depends. Are you making the money by working 60-70 hours a week? I would like to think if I had Bill Gates money, I could spend as much time with my family as they could stand. But I'm sure even with that kind of money comes other problems.

I guess the issue would be what makes you happy. Money. Family. Traveling.


New Member
All I know is I don't want to be exhausted from working so much and that I don't want to feel like I'm feeling right now. Watching my dang rent and insurance and every other cost of living go up for me, but getting an 86 cent raise at my job. I actually only got that because I submitted a letter to our operations manager asking for more than the normal 30 cents or less. My friend got a 17 cent raise this year. That certainly doesn't buy happy. Maybe stress.


New Member
Yeah, money doesn't buy happiness, but it can buy things you need to live more easily and happily. Jason has a good point here. If I had plenty of money to live on, I wouldn't have more time for my family and live a happier life.


New Member
Money is only better when the person does not become a self absorbed jerk in the end. Otherwise too much money just brings a ton of issues with it and that leads to unhappiness. Unless of course you like to feel that way.


New Member
I don't think money turns people into something they aren't already. Money has no opinion, no heart, no mind. It is just a piece of paper. It's the human brain that makes someone into something other people dislike, not the money. We were taught that people with money are evil or something, but that is stupid.