Sex Changes


New Member
I don't care about them. I don't personally want to know but I think it is an individual's right to choose. I'm one of the few that think this at work (at least among the men) but maybe it's because I'm older and know what's important. Why is everyone throwing fits about it?


New Member
Live and let live is my opinion on the subject. Then again I am on the older end of the age scale too, maybe we get more tolerant as we age?


New Member
There's nothing wrong with it. Each person has their own gender identity and it's wrong for somebody to tell them that because of their body parts they have to live a certain way. Nobody has the right to tell somebody they have to live unhappily because they're uncomfortable with what the person has done with his or her privates.


New Member
As long as it floats your boat and does not sink mine, I am fine. Its very simple. People get up in arms about the dumbest things that really have no matter in the persons life. Really, unless its your spouse saying it, or your mom or your kid, why get all puffy about it?


New Member
It is like someone hunting or purchasing a pink car or smoking. It is not your business so why bother and you make it a headache for you? Well, it is not your business unless the person makes you a secondary smoker.


New Member
One reason I will never say anything bad about people who are transgender is that who knows, my own child or family member could identify as transgender. You can't just look at somebody and know their orientation or gender identity. It's not my business and I want to be supportive if that is the case.


New Member
It is like someone hunting or purchasing a pink car or smoking. It is not your business so why bother and you make it a headache for you? Well, it is not your business unless the person makes you a secondary smoker.
I'm not too worried about catching a desire to have one of my favorite body parts cut off so I don't think smoking is a good analogy.


New Member
I really do not see the big deal here. Most things that people debate about end up being things that never directly effect anything in their lives. Maybe I am getting old but sometimes these debates seem pretty senseless.


New Member
It is the last thing I would want to do but it's really not my business that someone wants or needs or has to do it. I don't know why some people consider it important to debate about.


New Member
I don't know why some people consider it important to debate about.
I see the importance for those who are having rights stripped due to identifying as transgender. Those in the minority must always be ready to defend their rights. As to those who wish to take away one's right to have a sex change? I don't know why they consider it important to take from those in the minority.