Skyping: Our New Family Activity


New Member
My wife's family lives in Japan so my kids don't get a chance to see their grandparents very often. We normally go to Japan every year but this year we were not able to go. As a result, we've been skyping almost daily to keep our grandparents up to date. My littlest one is always excited to go online and see his grandparents.

I could never imagine doing this ten or fifteen years ago. I remember doing this with a software called CUSeeMe over a telephone modem and it worked like crap. Now, it's so simple and seems so normal over broadband. It's just awesome.


New Member
Skype is a bonus to grandparents everywhere! I've already had several requests from family members out of state to make sure it's installed. I'm sure they want to see the baby but I think they're most interested in seeing how frazzled fatherhood at this age makes me.

the matrix

New Member
Using Skype has been awesome for our family as well. We also use Skype and Facetime on our iphone as well. It's great because we can walk around the house and give a little tour of our child-ravaged home or go to the park and show the kids playing (using the Skype app).