The Mess


New Member
I awoke at around three this morning hearing the kitchen cabinet door slam. My wife was in bed so it wasn't her. I checked on the kids and the 14 and 13 year olds were in bed. That left the 4 year old. He wasn't in his bed so I trudged to the kitchen. He was in the middle of the floor with a five pound sack of flour and a five pound sack of sugar dumped in the middle of the floor. He had the carton of eggs out of the fridge with what was left in the carton smashed on the floor. He had also managed to get the gallon of milk out and set it on the floor. He hadn't managed to get the lid off because it hadn't been opened yet. I asked him what he was doing and he said he wanted cookies because he was hungry. So I gave him a glass of milk and a peanut butter sandwich and cleaned up the mess. I'm beat tonight and contemplating going to be in a few minutes.


New Member
Sorry to hear about your major clean up job. It sounds to me like your boy was sleep walking, I used to do similar things, on a smaller scale, as a child. I think I'd be making sure he has a snack before bed from now!


New Member
That is one mess that I would not want to wake up to. A couple times when our kids were little they beat us awake and decided that they were going to fix us breakfast. It's amazing the mess that even frozen waffles, OJ and toast can make.


New Member
Oh man! I feel your pain. We have never had that type of mess but I do remember a room we were painting and had to leave overnight that our 10 year old decided to help with before we got up the next morning. It was a mess and it was very hard to clean up.


New Member
So sorry to hear that. It seemed that he would make his own cookies, which is great. :) Does he usually watch your wife cooking or making cookies?