Three Year Olds and TV


New Member
I have been thinking about this for some time now. I was thinking about how bad TV was getting regarding things I would rather not have a child watch. Then I thought about how much time we were spending in front of the TV. I know how uncomfortable I was when things would come on TV related to sex or even mentions of sex and my parents were sitting there with me. So I decided my child is not going to grow up with TV. I cancelled cable. Now we use Netflix for her to watch the children's stories and I watch what I wish after I get her down for the night.


New Member
I think that works fine. However, when they go to their friends' houses, they are going to end up watching TV. I know what you mean though, things on TV are kinda iffy lately.


New Member
That's a really great way to get your child to only watch what you want. I never thought of this before. It's just so hard to control what your kids watch unless you are with them 24/7.


New Member
I am the same way. I haven't had cable in 2 years and my son is perfectly happy watching Netflix! He even know how to work the WII to get his shows to come on! I know when he gets a little older he will go to friends houses, but at least it won't be a every day thing.


New Member
I have a filter on my TV so I can change the channels only with my password. That's how I can control the only things my kids can watch. I got mine at Radio Shack.. Pretty inexpensive.


New Member
Tv should be the least of your problems in my opinion, once you they get old enough install some keyword blockers on the pc, with the internet they can find out 20 times more with 20 times less effort than the tv.


New Member
I've never even thought of this! There are a thousand different things I've been thinking about since we found out my wife was pregnant. I even wonder if I can cut it as a Dad. I have been a hellion in my past but my wife really set me straight after I met her. I sure don't want my child to be like I used to be.