Weekly Allowance


New Member
What do you think is an appropriate amount of money to give a 12-yeard old for a weekly allowance. My daughter says $25. I say $10 should be plenty. Any advice ?


New Member
I would only go for $10. If she wants more, have her some unusual jobs (not chores) around the house that she can do. Or see if there are jobs the neighbors want her to do like raking leaves and such. Kids today want too much and aren't willing to work for it. If you catch them young enough and teach them what it is to work, it makes explaining about finances when they are older a bit better.

Papa Bear

New Member
I agree with Willy Wonka. Giving the children more allowance than they need would encourage them to spend money on things that are not needed. It could develop into bad habits and vices.


Staff member
$25 may be a bit much. $10 may teach her to learn to budget her money better, and give her the chance to work around the house or neighborhood for extra cash. That will help her respect the value of a dollar.


New Member

$25 a week at her age ? What is she going to do with that ? If I were you I would go for the $10. She's lucky to get that at her age I think.


New Member
Thank you for all your replies and advice. It's unanimous. My weekly daughter's allowance will be $10 which is what I thought was correct myself. Thanks for your support.