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  1. M

    Overrun by kids

    Whew! So that's the question isn't it? Not a few parents wonder how to tell other parents nicely about what they should and should not do. Welcome to the club! Just my two-cents worth. I do that by asking questions, instead of telling them. For example, I ask questions like: How was your day...
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    Retirement accounts

    My wife and I are working on equities. We use dollar cost averaging method, under the guidance of a mentor. With the economy today, there's no way to go but up. The more stocks you buy now (with prudence), the better off you are when the economy bounces back to full steam.
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    School Bus

    Hi Paul40! I'm referring to tear gas in small canisters. They can be carried like key chains. I suggested that as a last self-defense option. It can even be used against street criminals as well. But yeah, I realize it's prohibited in some states. So, we got to think of alternatives.
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    Movie of the week!

    My kids do this all the time until your ears bleed if you pay too much attention. When Avatar became popular, my son watched it every afternoon after schooling for around two weeks straight. He did the same for Iron Man II for around a week. We let him do it. But we preselect the videos he...
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    Home repair done lately

    I just fixed a leaking pipe at home. This was a "little" irritation at home that we endured for around a month before I finally got around to fix it. It felt really good to have finally cut the leaking portion and completely replaced it :) Thank God for PVC pipes, hacksaw blades, silicon tapes...
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    Favorite museums.

    Yes. Museums are a great place to entertain ourselves while educating our kids. (Actually, we get educated too). We bring our kids to museums of national history, natural history, and children's museums.
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    Five Love Languages: An Emotional Map for Fathers

    Hi syboken, at this time a few taps in the computer would help. Here's a link that leads you directly to the five love languages: The 5 Love Languages That site has an assessment page that can help you identify your own love language. Check it out and share with us your impression.
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    No more caffeine

    I'm not keen on giving up coffee. Even the homeopathic doctor did not tell me to give it up, only to slow down. This is why I find it surprising that the nurse --- the nurse! --- is telling you to "lay off caffeine." Did you talk to the doctor about what the nurse said?
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    What's your favorite father poem?

    Poems have a way of getting into you that a thousand lectures could not. There's a poem that I saw since my 7-year old son was just a baby. Its words keep buzzing in my mind every time I'm around my kids. Here it goes: The Little Chap Who Follows Me! Author: Unknown A careful man I want to...
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    Processed food.

    Yes, I sincerely think taking out processed food helps the health. On top of the chemicals that are in those food, their being processed makes them acidic as well. It's not good to eat acidic food all the time. Human organs are built for alkaline environment. By that alone, we no longer wonder...
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    Caffeine allergies

    I hear a few of such allergies. There's coughing and swelling of through, itchiness of the skin and tingling in the mouth. These all happen everytime the allergic person drinks coffee.
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    School Bus

    Tear gas is the only "ultimate" weapon I can recommend at this point. Is your kid a son? or a daughter? Other things that can be done is to actually measure the bully. When I was a kid that's what I did :) I don't recommend it, but at least prepare your kid for it.
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    Need a tent

    They're called patio tents. I haven't personally purchased one. But I saw this kind of tent in one of the camping activities we did. It was used by the organizing committee in the camp grounds.
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    Hallowen costumes

    Where I live the malls encourage it. So, our kids along with some neighborhood kids go trick or treating there a full week before Halloween. We accompany them at a distance :)
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    Raising a Modern Day Knight?

    Typing "Raising a Modern Day Knight" in Google will give you a lot of sites about that specific topic. It does not contain the keyword "fatherhood" or "manhood" in it. It's why it came as a surprise to me one day. Raising a Modern Day Knight seeks to address the seeming need of young men...
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    Sleep talking is fine. Nothing to worry about. Everybody does it. It's the sitting up part that bothers me. In another forum, adults who sit up while sleeping admit to having sleep walked during their childhood. Has she ever sleep walked before? Just wondering.
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    Dads in delivery room

    I was there! I was inside the delivery room when my second kid was born. It was unforgettable. Now we have a video of our daughter as she was being cleaned up right after getting out :) Expectant fathers, just go for it. Don't pass out! The real benefit is in telling the story to your...
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    Lack of the father figure

    Books and People (Both virtual and offline) Helped My father passed away when I was still single. Worse, he was a silent person so my memory of wisdom imparted is scant. My siblings were not very helpful either. Neither were my friends and drinking buddies. So, I resorted to reading lots...