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  1. G

    Friends with new partner of ex

    That's the right attitude to have Rod. Obviously you two have things in common or she wouldn't have fallen for both of you but it takes a big man to admit it.
  2. G

    Politicians who espouse "family values"

    I think politicians tell voters what they think they want to hear to get elected. It takes a charismatic person to be a politician and they're the ones who are more apt to be sexually indiscriminate. Power corrupts.
  3. G

    Parents who object to vaccinating their kids

    As someone who didn't have all these vaccinations as a child I'm amazed too. There's such a small percentage of children that start to display signs of autism after innoculation that it doesn't seem right to put other kids at risk but I guess I'd feel differently if my own child ended up with...
  4. G


    When I was younger the thought of putting money into an account that I couldn't touch until I was in my 50s seemed ridiculous. If you've got the money--do it. I didn't start until I was in my late 50s and while I'm comfortably off I wish I had started earlier.
  5. G

    LMFAO: I'm Sexy And I Know It

    There are a lot of songs that go completely over kids' heads until they see the video. There are a lot of videos that I think have nothing to do with the song and are all gratioutus sex/violence. You just have to decide where to draw the line. And my parents thought Elvis was bad!
  6. G

    Sex Changes

    I'm not too worried about catching a desire to have one of my favorite body parts cut off so I don't think smoking is a good analogy.
  7. G

    Classic DVDs

    Try Ebay. You'd be amazed at what you can pick up. I got one of those old kids' phones that have the dial and the eyes, with the string you can pull it around? The only kids phones they have now are cells and I wanted my grandkids to have one of the fun ones.
  8. G

    Beating her with a belt

    I think he'll be removed from the bench even though it happened so long ago that they can't prosecute. He won't have any respect and that will reflect badly on the court so they'll can him. He just needs to retire and slink away.
  9. G

    Andy Rooney

    I've watched him for half my life and he'll be missed. I can't imagine working until 92 and I think he knew it was his time.
  10. G

    OK you are 70, so what?

    Take it from one who's a lot older than you are-when you live that long you do what you can and make peace with the rest.
  11. G


    The finances will not be a problem. Just to be clear--this will be a half-sibling who is already grown so won't be 'growing up' with their younger sibling.
  12. G

    Sex Changes

    I don't care about them. I don't personally want to know but I think it is an individual's right to choose. I'm one of the few that think this at work (at least among the men) but maybe it's because I'm older and know what's important. Why is everyone throwing fits about it?
  13. G


    I don't know if anyone of you have older children but would you consider putting one of them as guardian for your youngest in your will? That's the question we're facing now-with a new one on the way our wills will have to be updated.
  14. G

    What age cell?

    Yes, realizing there are no payphones anywhere certainly makes a difference. After posting this I started looking for payphones and I think I saw one in a week. Scary thought as far as other's security and those less fortunate.
  15. G

    Skyping: Our New Family Activity

    Skype is a bonus to grandparents everywhere! I've already had several requests from family members out of state to make sure it's installed. I'm sure they want to see the baby but I think they're most interested in seeing how frazzled fatherhood at this age makes me.
  16. G

    Women worriers?

    Supposedly women are the worriers but my wife is incredibly happy being pregnant. I thought I'd worry less because I don't have the money difficulties I had the first time around but now there's Facebook, cell phones, starting sex younger (please be a boy!).
  17. G

    David or Jay?

    Guess you're right because I watch Jay. I got used to Johnny and just never bothered to switch the channel. I find most of Letterman's top 10s to be stupid.
  18. G

    What age cell?

    Haha! Don't remind me that I'll be the grandpa-looking guy at all the school conferences. I didn't even know they made phones without texting. I have a lot to learn. I think if kids start out too young abbreviating everything then the correct spelling wouldn't stick in their head but who...
  19. G

    What age cell?

    I know I'm jumping the gun since the kid isn't even born yet but this isn't something I had to deal with when I had my older kids. At what age do you let them have a cell phone to text on. Do you ever worry that it will stunt their spelling?
  20. G

    Already talking about what they want for Christmas

    This is something I'm not looking forward to hearing again. The good thing is I'll have more money the second time around than I did the first the bad thing is that I'll have to be careful not to buy too much and offend my older kids.